Diamond Drilling
Diamond Drilling is a procedure used to create holes in existing blockwork, tarmac or reinforced concrete. Drill rigs are bolted into a position from which holes may be drilled horizontally, vertically, angled or inverted. Typical uses for Diamond Drilling are to provide openings for services, changes to M & E design, bollard base holes, in fact any situation that requires a hole of between 10mm and 800mm.
Overlapping a series of holes in a process called Stitch Drilling can increase the size of the opening to any specification.
Advantages / capabilities of Diamond Drilling
- Low vibration & noise levels reduce disruption to immediate vicinity.
- Wet or Dry cutting to provide clean, high precision holes to client specification.
- Electric or Hydraulic capabilities, provided by generators or hydraulic power packs ensure self sufficient operating in the absence of onsite power supply.
- Hand held or mast mounted motors.
- Particularly useful for working in confined spaces. Demon Drillers Ltd operatives all hold a relevant qualification for Confined Space Drilling.
- Hole diameters between 6mm and 800mm to any depth.
- Very low Health & Safety implications to operators. Demon Drillers Ltd use only the very latest equipment in order to virtually eliminate the HAV and noise impact on our operatives ensuring
- Longer operating durations, and increased efficiency
- Stitch drilling may be utilized to create an opening of any specification where other methods of cutting are not practical.